Crown Vantage Mill 2 Offices and Other Stuff
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/ Crown Vantage Mill 2
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This supervisor's office gives a supervisor's eye view of the coating room.
The office also contains these three television monitors, which were presumably
hooked up to security cameras. The monitors were turned on, but unfortunately
the cameras must have been turned off, because the monitors did not show
anything. It would have been interesting to see what the cameras were monitoring.
On our way out of Mill 2, we stumbled across these devices which look to be
pulpers for waste paper. Before finding these, I never knew that this mill
recycled waste paper, but I guess they did. We were somewhat lost at the
time we found these machines, so we really weren't sure if they served just
one of the paper machine rooms, or the whole mill.
The mill hadn't seen this much excitement (or traffic) in a long time!
There was even a food and lemonade stand for all the auctiongoers. The police
were also present, keeping an eye on things, but I guess I didn't get a picture
of them.
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