Allied Paper - Mill C

A view down the production line of the No. 6 paper machine.


A closer view.


Some safety rails on the other side of the machine room.


Near the wet end of the paper machine is this pit covered by ceramic tile. I suppose it received the extra pulp that would drip off the paper machine in the early stages of production (this type of tile, unlike many other materials, was able to withstand the chemicals present in paper pulp).


A nice view down the production line from the other end (the wet end). Notice those large vents above it.


This device appears to be the loading hopper to a broke pulper or something. If paper coming off the machine was of terrible quality or if the machine broke and ruined some paper, the waste paper would be put down this machine to be turned back into pulp to be mixed with fresh pulp for a future run.


A blue control panel next to the broke chest thing.


Those vent pipes above the paper machine are really large. Actually, this probably has something to do with the inefficiency of the mill - modern paper machines do not discard their waste heat, but they collect it and it is reused for other purposes (heating other portions of the building or to pre-heat more boiler feed water), which saves on energy costs.


In a little room off of the No. 6 machine room, one finds this ancient computer. Unfortunately, someone has stolen the boards that used to be in its upper rack (they were present the first time we were in the mill).


The box on the wall there used to contain some sort of power monitoring and perhaps UPS system. When we were here the first time, the power was turned on in most of the building, and the machine in that box was flashing some screens of information about some voltages and loads. However, as with the computer boards, the machine's innards appear to have been stolen.


Back out in the No. 6 machine room, one finds this electronic control panel that once controlled the paper machine. The first time we were in Mill C, this device was also powered up (although the paper machine itself had already been removed), and it was flashing a number of dire warnings such as, "Headbox Feed Pressure Too Low", "Paper Machine Speed Too Low", "Stock Chest 1 Level Too Low", etc...


This less-sophisticated control panel sits next to the electronic one, and has had most of its indicators and equipment removed.


This spectacle sits in the corner of the No. 6 machine room. I wonder what "ACM" is, and what the deal with that whole situation was.


Stepping out of the No. 6 machine room, we find these devices which look like Allen Bradley Motor Control Centers - they were probably used to run the motors on the No. 6 and No. 7 machines, given their proximity to the paper machine rooms.


This room contains a pipe labelled "City Water", and a rather small pump.


It also contains the No. 6 Saveall. A saveall has something to do with enabling the re-use of the leftover pulp mixture that drips out of the paper machine but I forget exactly what.


The end of the saveall looks rather dirty.


The room contains some other equipment in somewhat raggedy condition.


Here we have the No. 7 machine room. It seems a bit smaller than the No. 6 line.


Peering down into the No. 7 machine pit.


Some pipes on the wall across from the No. 7 machine.


Beyond the No. 7 paper machine room is an exit to the mill with an interesting safety reminder posted over it.


Only the management offices get air conditioning in this mill.


On the way back out of the mill, we pass by a lot of odd looking stuff...


...including the main steam line coming into Mill C from the powerhouse.


Exiting the mill, we once again pause to observe the power plant out the window.


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