Entering Mill C in the back, one finds this room which appears to be either a shipping/receiving area or possibly some sort of machining room, or perhaps both.It contains this heavy-looking crane......and some telephone equipment! (The telephone company loves you.)The room also contains the main steam pipe (overhead) entering Mill C from the Powerhouse.Some small electrical switches/breakers can be found here.A picturesque view of the Powerhouse can be had out the window.On a small room off of the previous one, one finds some rather heavy-duty electrical switchgear.With multiple circuits running at 2300 Volts and up to 400 Amperes, this was obviously the main power switching room for the mill. (That's almost one million watts per panel.) The first time I was in Mill C, much of the building still had electrical service, so it is very possible that these panels were powered up. On the other hand, they may have been disconnected prior to that, and we sure didn't make any attempts to find out!The inner workings of the switchgear look quite substantial.As in Mill D, a piece of "Ape Shall Not Kill Ape" graffiti is present here.Beyond this door lies a room that seems to have once contained several workshop compartments.