Powerhouse - Under the Boiler Room

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Rear view of the Powerhouse*


Rear entrance to the Powerhouse. This entrance leads to the area underneath the boiler room.


As you enter, you see a large pump to your right.



The aforementioned pump in all its splendour. Including grafitti on its control panel and that interesting looking substance beneath the pump.



Pipes and pumps are all over the place down here.


A rather large air intake blower once fueled a boiler.


This machine appears to have had something to do with boiler water pressures.


A not-so-good photograph of a large belt-driven engine. These types of auxilliary engines are quite common on the premises of this factory.


More images from this location [underneath the boiler room].

Proceed to the area under the boilers and under the turbine room.

Photographs marked with a * were generously supplied by S. Caron.